每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.9 每日中文 【HSK4 - Vocabulary】 Nouns 名词

  1. yǎnchū - 演出 - performance; presentation;

    Tāmen de yǎnchū fēicháng chénggōng.


    Their performance was very successful.

  2. jīngjù - 京剧 - Beijing Opera;

    Wǒ hái cónglái méi kànguò zhème jīngcǎi de jīngjù biǎoyǎn.


    I have never seen such a wonderful Beijing Opera show.

  3. guǎngbō - 广播 - broadcasting;

    Zhuāntí xīnwén guǎngbò kāishǐle.


    The special news broadcasting began.

  4. guǎnggào - 广告 - advertisement; commercial;

    Wǒ zài bàozhǐ shàng kàndào le nǐmen de guǎnggào.


    I saw your advertisement on the newspaper.

  5. zázhì - 杂志 - magazine;

    Nǐ dǎsuàn shénme shíhòu rēngdiào nàxiē jiù zázhì?


    When are you going to throw away those old magazines?

  6. xiǎoshuō - 小说 - novel; fiction;

    Tā zuìxīn de xiǎoshuō shì yīgè gǎnrén de àiqíng gùshì.


    Her latest novel is a touching love story.

  7. xiàohua - 笑话 - joke;

    Wǒjiā méiyǒu rén jiǎng wánguò zhège xiàohuà.


    No one in my family has ever finished this joke.

  8. xiāoxi - 消息 - information; news; tidings;

    Wǒ kǒngpà yǒuxiē hěn huài de xiāoxī yào gàosù nǐ.


    I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you.

  9. tōngzhī - 通知 - notice;

    Zài liù yuè qiánhòu, nǐ huì shōu dào tōngzhī.


    You will receive a notice around June.