每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.7 每日中文 【HSK4 - Vocabulary】 Nouns 名词

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  1. Yàzhōu - 亚洲 - Asia;

    Lǎoshī zài hēibǎn shàng huàle yī zhāng yàzhōu dìtú.


    The teacher drew an Asian map on the blackboard.

  2. Chángjiāng - 长江 - the Yangtze River;

    Chángjiāng shì yàzhōu zuì zhǎng de héliú.


    The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia.

  3. Chángchéng - 长城 - the Great Wall;

    Wǒ hái méiyǒu qùguò chángchéng ne.


    I haven't been to the Great Wall yet.

  4. shèhuì - 社会 - society;

    Wǒmen bìxū kǎolǜ dào shèhuì shàng niánqīng rén de xūqiú.


    We must consider the needs of the younger members of society.

  5. shěng - - province;

    Shāndōng shì zhōngguó de yīgè shěng.


    Shandong is one of China's provinces.

  6. shǒudū - 首都 - capital (of a country);

    Zhōngguó de shǒudū shì běijīng.


    The capital city of China is Beijing.

  7. dàshǐguǎn - 大使馆 - embassy;

    Wǒ xūyào dào dàshǐ guǎn qù bàn qiānzhèng.


    I need to go to the embassy to apply for a visa.

  8. yóujú - 邮局 - post office;

    Tā dào yóujú qù mǎi xiē yóupiào.


    He went to the post office to buy some stamps.

  9. jiāyóuzhàn - 加油站 - gas station;

    Jùlí xià yīgè jiāyóu zhàn yǒu 50 gōnglǐ.


    It's 50 kilometers to the next gas station.