每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.25 每日一题 Daily Quiz HSK4

【阅 读】 排列顺序:
  1. 意思是希望朋友之间的友好关系
  2. 能够一直继续下去,越久越好
  3. 人们常说“友谊地久天长”

  1. zhī (auxiliary word, used to form a grammatical structure)   (HSK 4) [sa.]
  2. yǒuhǎo 友好 friendly | amicable   (HSK 4) [adj.]
  3. nénggòu 能够 can | be able to | be capable of   (HSK 4) [aux.]
  4. jìxù 继续 continue | proceed | carry on   (HSK 4) [v.]
  5. yǒuyì 友谊 friendship | companionship | fellowship   (HSK 4) [n.]

Answers: CAB