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#2 HSK 四级词汇(Nouns 名词) 【HSK4 - Vocabulary】

Youtube Playlist: HSK Vocabulary - level 4

dàifu - 大夫 - doctor; physician; surgeon;
Dàifu zǐxì jiǎnchále tā de shāngkǒu.
The doctor examined his wound carefully.

fùqīn - 父亲 - father;
Dāng fùqīn huí dàojiā shí, yīqiè yòu biàn hǎole.
When my father came home, everything felt right once more.

gùkè - 顾客 - customer;
Tā shì wǒmen de yī wèi lǎo gùkè.
She is one of our regular customers.

guānzhòng - 观众 - audience; spectator;viewer ;
Guānzhòng fēicháng xǐhuān zhè chǎng yǎnchū.
The audience liked this show very much.

hùshi - 护士 - nurse;
Hùshì zhèngzài gěi bìngrén dǎzhēn.
The nurse is giving an injection to a patient.

mǔqīn - 母亲 - mother;
Zuò yīgè mǔqīn bù róngyì.
Being a mother is not easy.

shòuhuòyuán - 售货员 - shop assistant; salesclerk;
Wǒ zài bǎihuò shāngdiàn zuò shòuhuòyuán.
I work as a shop assistant in a department store.

sūnzi - 孙子 - grandson;
Wǒmen yǒu liù gè sūnzi, dàn méiyǒu sūnnǚ.
We have six grandsons but no granddaughters.

yǎnyuán - 演员 - actor or actress;
Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de yǎnyuán shì shéi?
Who's your favourite actor?