每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

The usages of 到 Dào - Chinese Grammar Points (40)

1 Preposition: 到 + time

到 can be used in the prepositional phrase to introduce the time of the action, indicating the status of the action to this time.

2 Preposition: 从-到 "from...to..."

"从...到..." as a prepositional phrase means "from...to...".

3 Verb: 到 "arrive"

到 means "arrive, to reach a place, especially at the end of a journey".

4 Verb: 到 + Place + 来/去

"到+Place+去" means "to go to another place";"到+Place+来" means "to come towards the speaker or a particular place".

5 Verb: 到 + Place + 来/去 + Verb Phrase

"到 + Place + 来/去 + Verb Phrase" means "to come or go to somewhere in order to do something".

6 Complement: Verb+得/不+到

"Verb+得/不+到" is used to express possibility of achieving the result.

7 把+Object+Verb+到+Place

8 没+Verb+到 or Verb+不+到

Both 不 and 没 can be placed in front of the verb. However, Verb+不到 is to negate the possibility of the action; 没+Verb+到 negates the past action.

9 Complement: Verb+到+过

过 can be placed after a verb Complement to indicate experience from a past action.